Sorry for the delay in getting the pictures but. Here is a couple of pictures detailing everything I did in my finished Ice-Themed Necron Warriors. I only had 1 box of warriors to start but I am ordering a battle set so I should have a couple more posts of material once I get that in. Some more warriors, destroyers and scarabs.
The following was done to the warriors I am posting:
1) Base coated in VGC Gunmetal
2) Washed the body in Citadel Asuremen Blue
3) Washed the gun with Citadel Badab Black - also, painted the gun tube and engine with VGC Electric Blue.
4) Glued fine cork ballast to the base
5) Washed the balast in Badab Black
6) Dry brushed the ballast with VGC Cold Grey, Bone White, Electric Blue then again with Bone White.
7) Made a "wet snow" type mix using Baking Soda, PVA Glue, and some cheap hobby store acrylic white paint so I didn't use up all of my good VGC. Applie the snow in random spots on the base.
8) Used Liquitex Glazing Medium on the blue gun tube and gun engine to give it a glossed "frozen over" type look.
9) Replaced the standard green rods with blue plastic tubing ordered from
That's pretty much it. I still cant decide on what I want to do to the eyes, if anything. I can also try to do something with the rune on the chest but seeing as how this will be the army I play with, if I ever get around to it, I am considering them done!
So here ya go and as always if you have any comments or criticism, let it rip! (I liked the pictures from the internet when I suspected I should have uploaded them directly to blogspot. Ill be sure to do that next time. So for this time you will need to click to get a full sized pic. Sorry!)